Bearded patron


Established with passion, The Leaf Cigar Emporium has been serving the community with pride and dedication. Over the years, we've grown into a trusted destination for cigar and pipe enthusiasts alike, known for our comprehensive range of quality products and our commitment to customer satisfaction.

At the heart of our operations is a deep appreciation for the art and tradition of cigars. From selecting the perfect cigar to understanding the craftsmanship involved, we believe in the joy and sophistication that the world of premium cigars offers. It's this passion that drives us to provide an unrivaled selection of cigars, pipe tobacco and accessories, meticulously sourced from the finest manufacturers around the globe.

Our team are not just employees, they're enthusiasts themselves. This shared passion translates into expert guidance and personalized service for our customers. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, our staff is always ready to share their knowledge and help you discover the products that suit your tastes and lifestyle.

But The Leaf Cigar Emporium is more than a retail space. We're a cornerstone of the community, a gathering place where people come to connect, learn, and share their love for cigars, pipes and more. Our commitment to our community and customers sets us apart, and we strive to ensure that every visit to The Leaf Cigar Emporium is a memorable experience.

At The Leaf Cigar Emporium, our mission is to enhance your journey, one premium product at a time. We invite you to visit our store nearest to you and discover the The Leaf Cigar Emporium difference for yourself.
Come Visit Us
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Do you offer hand-rolled cigars?
Yes. We offer our own fresh, hand-rolled cigars featuring premium tobacco.

Do you host any events?
Yes we do. We host various events throughout the year. Be sure to stop by or visit our website and social media pages/calendars often to see what events are coming up.

Do you have an on-site humidor?
Yes. We keep all of our premium cigars in our state-of-the-art, walk-in humidor. Come by and check it out for yourself!

I don't smoke but I'm looking to purchase some cigars as a gift for someone else. Can you help me?
Absolutely. Our cigar experts will be happy to recommend various cigars within any price range. Don't be shy to ask for help!
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We invite you to come visit us and browse our large selection of premium cigars and tobacco products.
Contact Us